Its the same thing in all these videos. They’re showimg such small clips. Its ten minutes of hand wrapping and Cordero watching Mike. It’s definitely creative and selected editing. My gut and BS detector is going off.
This was my main concern and could well be the case. I fucking hope not, though. It’s not like the friendly “no contest” exhibition he had with RJJ a few years back. This 20IQ zoomer faggot is talking mad shit and needs to be humbled. Every one of his fights so far has been against 1) other youtubers 2) retired athletes who had no business in the ring (Nate Robinson) and 3) Well over the hill UFC fighters (Spider never should’ve agreed to that shit).
So while the fix may be in, why the fuck would a man like Tyson agree to it? His legacy (and financial security) is granite. Taking a dive now would do nothing but diminish him.
It would also be well within Iron Mike’s wheelhouse to agree to take a dive and then come out and permanently disfigure this goofy faggot.
I want to believe, and while I can’t say I expect a victory: hope is a beautiful thing. As would be the soyboy with the bleached sideshow bob hair hitting the mat head first and spitting out his mouthguard & about a pint of blood.
I had that thought, but I also think they don’t want to show too much. Let the little shit find out on fight night.
Dude still looks like he’d fuck anyone up if he gets inside and starts landing those short hooks and uppercuts. But can he get inside and can he actually land shots without getting held and tied up.
He looks amazing for someone of that age but it looks like the training is taking a lot out of him. He probably has all kinds of joint pain and is toughing it out.
Boxing is a young man’s game, if you compare this to the videos of him training when he was younger, the difference is night and day.
I hope I’m wrong and he beats Jake though
Video makes me worried for Tyson
No. I’ve seen it from several different outlets and lower channels even. Its a lot of the same zero sweat squats and combos. No sparring, no real work so to speak. Im just saying i think he looks great for about 90 seconds and then gasses and gets laid the fuck out by a glancing shot. I pray not. But this is my gut
This was the only one I’ve seen. I think we all are really hoping that cold blooded warrior version of Mike shows up; the one who would think about his pigeons being killed so he could get in the ring and murder someone… that’s who I want to show up.
He looked like he was about to have a heart attack at the end of the round.
Watching him work that bag… At 58 he’s still fast than I ever was.
I’ve seen a ton from different places. It’s been the same rinse and repeat. He looks good for a combo when he’s training. But it’s never sparring or even showing something like a full round of just pads or bag cardio. They’ll show him relearning a combo and throwing it a few times and it looks awesome because its Tyson. Im hoping for a Tyson win by glorious means. I think he might KO Paul or knock him down before Paul gets smart and runs around for 2 minutes while old Tyson gasses by the second rnd or furst flurry when he has Paul hurt. Paul is going to kill him once he gasses like the 60 year old juiced to the gills man his is. He’ll turn nigerian purple and be done. Paul uppercut 4th rnd
I’m pulling for Mike like it’s 1989
I’m really hoping it’s first round by body shot for Tyson.
Paul is going to KO that old man. Tyson can hit, but he’s slow and lacks stamina. All Paul has to do is time his shots and he’ll make history.
I might get dust in my eye if that happened.
I think Tyson will look amazing for what he is, for about 2 min. Maybe the mid second. Paul just has to run him around for 2 rnds. Tyson is going to get tired. He’s going to gas HARD.
Ive already seen the clips showing he’s still plenty explosive when he’s relatively fresh. The only question is how much cardio he can have at 58. Not sure that video made me a believer. Hopefully he ends it quick. If not he’ll probably be in trouble.
Would love to see him pull it off but I think he gasses and it gets stopped before the end.