Twice on Sundays
Almost certainly yes.
They have the same coaches and gym
Valente Bros.
Isnt regular chess 3 dimensional?
Ivanka is like a 10 out of 10. I mean, for you guys, an 8 of 10, but to any normal person, 10 out of 10.
Didn’t she marry that strange jewish boy like he’s american royalty but everyone in class called him dumb
Maybe a divorce and then meats back on the menu ya?
Slight wrinkles, still small, puckered, cute hair lasered to perfection.
If it’s a Valente Brothers gym, they probably don’t even roll.
There is so much comedy gold in here.
“It’s like three dimensional chess”
“I’m a blue belt so I’m not really knowing what’s going on”
The whole part about samurai spiritualism that needs to be memorised to progress
So, dolls???
Misleading article. Initially says jiu-jitsu, references BJJ multiple times, then clarifies that it’s “self defense jujitsu” not pajama wrasslin
As a big Trump fan and 30yr BJJ guy my alarm bells are going off. This sounds sketchy as fuck, but then again the gym owner is a guy named Marcelo Cohen.
Article is weirdly worded. Thats not where she trains, that’s the other grandkids. She’s a valente stooge, just like Gisele. Brazilians to blame, like a lot of things in BJJ
She’s actually a legit blue belt. When I rolled with her she kept getting me in triangles over and over again