Ivanka Trump Reveals Her Love for Brazilian jiu-jitsu

thats a freedom toe right there

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lol Cohens prolly the landlord, specially if its Floridia plus wasnt the Dons mentor a Cohen?

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I see nothing wrong with any of those
3d chess like especially when trying to make sense of stuff early? no prob

blue belt, dont really know whats going on. no prob and really nice attitude to boot

samurai stuff? lots of good teachers and groups have done the same. Bushido, warrior spirit etc. just because its brazillian judo flow with the go only goes so far

nothing wrong with any of this and I doubt she or her kids are gonna come mess up anyone’s executive division NAGA weekend chance at glory anytime soon though I feel like her dad may award them some junky samurai swords occasionally.

MAGANAGA would be sorta cool though some day tbh


dont worry broski secrets safe with me :slight_smile:)

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I wonder if BJJ makes you more conservative?

Not if you train in West Hollywood :laughing:

But yes values/tradition alone align closely with conservatives IMO

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I have a thing for long legs. And that woman is ALL legs.

She is the OG dream girl


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hmmm well currently seems trend is very much not butt scooting, sorta banging seems atm

and that sweet sweet pussy was a weapon in the much needed battle to achieve koscher for the Don this time around

like two of her dads ties leadin right to the money maker.

things prolly had more Jewish broth in it than John Stewarts nanas stew pot

There are for sure more libertarians per capita in BJJ than any other activity.

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I’d like to test her north/south defense.

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I’ll promote her to purple for a price…

It enabled her to fight off her dad.

seems to have done something to zuck the cuck…BJJ is the ultimate accountability. Leftism/democrats is the antithesis of accountability (nazis are at fault, govt will help me etc etc). It tends to change a person

that being said, bitches love bjj blackbelts :slight_smile:


I picture her next interview that she comes out sounding like that genius Makenzie Dern.

“mah fadder, eem make a tariff. Trudeau ees cheeken.”


Plastic surgery!

milfs get into this so they can get plowed by their instructor

I wonder what% ?