Ivanka Trump Reveals Her Love for Brazilian jiu-jitsu

It’s a lot.

New girls always fall into a few categories

  • Athletic girls who think it’s a cool sport. They rarely exist only in this one group, sometimes they do though.
  • Girls who want attention
  • Milfs who want attention
  • women who think the secrets of the orient can stop rapists without a gun.

boha my friend

-Girls with a secret rape fetish.

Yeah that’s true.

I would put them as a subclass of “girls who want attention” but I think you’re right they should be a separate group

I wonder if Ivanka is one of the bitches so crazy she rubs her clit against you when rolling. I’ve encountered a few of those




I read “librarians” the first time, then reread as “Lesbians” sometimes I don’t read good. I have no point to this, excuse hijack crabberton :slight_smile:


welp now limp bizcuit stuck in head thanks dude


ive heard butt plugs happen quite a bit these days.

Rolling with gals with implants was annoying. One of the trainers brought strippers to our club once in awhile and I just avoided them. Sure it sounds fun but they’re not there to be filled up, they’re a little bit vicious and the silicone really is in the way. A pretty face don’t make for a pretty hard and neither do big implants

Fun to watch other people grapple them though


im cool with unpretty hards tbh

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Do implants explode sometimes?

I vaguely remember it happening maybe more than once in actual mma events could be off but I swear seems I do

Clint Eastwood Coffee GIF

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Depends if I project my ki power into them or not

They just get in the way and are annoying and you’re not supposed to touch them because you know women are sensitive about those things.

There aren’t perverts that roll with women just to feel them up and I’m not one of them

Never seen it happen. I’ve only been in a gym once when a girl with implants was training though

Well thank goodness!

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