JWP Has Tourettes


Awful. Man’s a legend.

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ah damn. thats not real i it?

One of the greatest MT fighters from Australia. Such a shame, I hope he finds something that helps his condition.

Like has always or just got it?

Was it from head injury while fighting.

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Shitty. Yeah it would probably be from getting hit unless he had it his whole life



That’s fucked, and also part of the rest of his life. This has to he common amongst old Nak Muay, they just fucking absorb every blow that comes their way.

It can kind of fade away or at least become easier to deal with. My kids tics are barely noticeable most days unless you know what to look for but at the same time every couple of years he’ll end up with such severe ones that he’s in physical pain and he starts to have issues eating and even speaking. Then after a week or two it’ll fade away again.

It’s a shitty thing to deal with but in sure getting hit in the head a lot doesn’t help the situation.

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Man, I thought Tourette was congenital… Hope he find ways to help him with that.

supposedly he has new meds helping and is back at home - he updates his FB a bit

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