Roka for sure along with New Wave. 10p guys are probably on TRT or only using for recovery. I don’t care either way also, but it definitely sucks for natty people competing against roided out freaks.
“Never understood this fascination with saying another grown man “is on steroids” it’s usually some fat slob who doesn’t work out”
Or people who think you take “steroids” and that’s why you’re lean and have muscles. “Steroids” don’t grow muscles. You have to work for them.
I’m on TRT (I’m 54) and don’t hide it. It helps but I still put in a lot of work. TRT helps me recover from that work. I’m healthier because of it. Why someone would disparage that is beyond me. BTW, I never recommend that people should do TRT but if asked about it I tell them why I do it, when I started (at 50) and if they’re thinking about it they should start by cleaning up their diet, refrain from alcohol and get their bloodwork done by a doctor (not a “men’s health”) clinic.
I know a few guys at my BJJ academy that are on various types and levels of “steroids”. Rolled with a purple belt in his 30s that is on T and cycles some other shit (Tren and something else). He quit the roll 6 minute into an 8 minute round because I gassed him out, btw. Too much muscle mass I guess.
Technique still wins.
Other guys that I roll with that on gear are better than me. Younger, stronger, better technique.
Again, who cares?
What happened to the quote button??
Anyhow what do ya’ll Austin folks think about Kody Steele? Competing in the UFC and I assume that none of the Fight Factory guys are using.
Vow had some saucy guys too, not that I care at all. They were awesome people and great rolls.
But there is a sense in the air that anyone doing BJJ seriously is on gear.
Doesn’t bother me as a clean guy, that’s how any high level comp is going to be anyway
Maybe its jealousy. I wish I was super strong like them. I am just chicken of getting health problems and shit.
I can usually tire out the steroid guys but it is hard when they are also in their physical prime and they also have technique
@crabScissors_CTT haha I know who you are talking about at VOW but I think he only competed once or twice
If you’re naturally low T then getting on TRT is healthier. As we age our levels drop. Yes this is normal aging. You know what else is normal about aging? Declining health and quality of life. It can be mitigated by raising T levels.
If you have low T and you’re worried about “health problems and shit” you should worry about not getting on TRT.
Not from Austin, but recently saw how big this guy got, and granted he had 3 matches prior at the 10p qualifiers, but I don’t remember him ever giving up mid-roll before.
To be fair I only went for open mats, so there were several b team guys there too so I can’t say for sure other who was from what gym.
But I went there with Degle for a few Sunday open mats when there were people from a bunch of gyms so I couldn’t really say who was from where. But as kind of jacked looking guy I rolled with a ton of people I would guess are hot lol
Only the one you are thinking of I guess I know for sure was on.
As long as people aren’t intentionally trying to hurt me I usually don’t care if they are sauced or not. If you’re training with guys who compete or want to compete, and you’re going to comp classes/open mats, it’s been my experience that just about everywhere is going to have a high percentage of saucyness.
Austin just has that culture going now that attracts the young guys willing to do anything
I think my T is fine, even if it was low I don’t think I’d take TRT because you can’t really get off once you start.
I am getting older and I know I will start to decline soon. I’ve been trying to train 5 days a week to slow the decline. I’ve thought about hgh later to level the field with guys that are in their physical primes but I don’t really think i will do it.
I personally think that if you’re in your 30s, not a pro athlete and are doing “steroids” without a legitimate medical reason then you’re kind of dumb.
Doesn’t really bother me though. It’s none of my business.
I can say the same about someone who smokes weed, drinks alcohol, eats crappy food, doesn’t exercise…it’s dumb but it’s none of my business.
Well that is true with a lot of things. This is just a forum where we talk about random shit.
If some guy is driving a truck that cost 100k and a 20% apr we are all going to say something even though it’s none of our business
“I think my T is fine, even if it was low I don’t think I’d take TRT because you can’t really get off once you start.”
- That’s not true.
- So what if you’re on it for life. That’s why I waited until 50, btw. Figure 20 years max.
“I am getting older and I know I will start to decline soon. I’ve been trying to train 5 days a week to slow the decline.”
Once I got into my late 40s I simply couldn’t train 5 days a week consistently. Injuries just kept adding up. Not talking about “didn’t tap quick enough” injuries either. I’m talking about waking up in the morning, getting out of bed and tearing a calf muscle type of injuries.
“I’ve thought about hgh later to level the field with guys that are in their physical primes but I don’t really think i will do it.”
I really don’t know anything about HGH so can’t comment on that.
Bottom line is that if you’re happy with where you’re at and are staying healthy in regards to diet and exercise then just keep doing what you’re doing. As we age we start comparing ourselves with younger guys (or our younger selves). That’s where things get hard.
Time is undefeated. Be the best you can be. If that includes getting “help” fine. If not, also fine.
One way to quell that jealousy is think about it like this…
…people get injured or have sore muscles and take pain relief medicine. That stuff is bad for you but it relieves pain. Are you jealous that they take Advil? No because that would be silly.
People take all kinds of medicine for all kinds of reasons and nobody faults them for it.
For some reason “steroids” get a different reaction.
"Well that is true with a lot of things. This is just a forum where we talk about random shit.
If some guy is driving a truck that cost 100k and a 20% apr we are all going to say something even though it’s none of our business"
I hear you.
I hope I’m not coming off as arguing with you, btw. I’m just offering my perspective. I don’t think what you’re saying is “wrong”. It’s just different from the way I look at it.
Sounds like this mffer in the truck is on the gear !
I don’t think people take steroids like medicine, they take them more like a recreational drug. I understand if you are a pro athlete and that extra 10% can make the difference between being an allstar or not making the team.
TRT is more like a medicine if you are low. If you want to take that go for it.
I suppose I am a little salty at having to compete against guys in their prime that I know are roiding. These dudes are 20 years younger than me and they are jacked and losing their hair.
Yeah the typical big truck guy has a full size truck lifted to Bolivia. They are typically husky fat giys blasting their stereo. I can feel my windows vibrating. I fucking hate guys blasting their stereo with the windows down
Hey props to you at training 5 days a week. Do whatever it takes to keep training. My friend is 70 and still is strong as fuck, he is a purple belt and give the young kids a run for this money, I hope I can be that guy
Yeah, a lot of people abuse (recreationally use) all sorts of drugs. Like I said, I think it’s dumb to do that.
I also get that having to compete against PED users when you’re not using them can feel unfair.
Every comp I’ve ever I was going against guys on gear.
BTW, I’ve haven’t competed at all since starting TRT. Kind of a throwback to when I was doing triathlons where it is universally frowned upon to compete on PEDs. Part of me just doesn’t feel right being on TRT and doing comps even though it’s widely accepted in BJJ.
I stopped competing a couple of years ago. The juice isn’t worth the squeeze. I’ve had comps where I weigh in at 12 and they are rolling up mats during my last match at 830. Shit gets old