Why wait a minute, they wish to look bigger while laying on their back?!
Like Hughes?
I have no clue where the quote button went but when did you come to VOW? That’s my home gym. We have a couple guys that got on TRT and then immediately cranked up their dosage lol. But they also lift pretty damn heavy too I have no clue how they manage it.
Its insane how quick trt became big in the states. Every other 50 year old dad with a beer gut goes in for a poke. Its a great business when you charge people $50 a week for a poke when test itself is dirt cheap.
I feel like I have been set up.
His name was Rico
Would have been either March of 21 or 22, I can’t remember exactly now.
Drove from WV to Austin and stayed two weeks. I was at B Team almost all the time minus the Sunday open mat at VOW. I was down there visiting Degle and he told us you guys had a better Sunday open mat than 10th P, and B Team had nothing Sundays.
VOW was a really cool gym. Lots of good rolls and the head guy was super friendly. I think I remember chatting with the owner after too, he was an older guy, I remember him being super nice too.
Lol one from his era would be a better comparison.
It gets lost in hindsight but it’s worth remembering that back then that would have been thought of like digging up FE now to fight Islam. It was an execution to show what had changed in those 11 years since Royce had left the UFC
My last BJJ instructor was a roidhead. I quit because he would get vicious with me when I went out wrestle him no GI. No s*** I picked with me after being slammed into the wall or mirror while rolling with him. I’m glad I did, I got into a much more practical and effective MA but it took me a long time to get over my neck and shoulder trauma that idiot caused me
I think he’s second dan now and still teaching. He says he’s very good at helping people… well he helped me bleed so there’s that.
I might have been there that Sunday. I would have just come back from Vegas that morning. That said most guys at our Sunday open mat aren’t from our gym. It’s everyone from all over Austin and wherever.
Now that I’m thinking about it I want to say I vaguely remember someone saying they drove from WV, but who knows maybe I could just be making that up lol.
I got to roll with Degle once when he was in Austin. He made me realize how much I suck lol.
Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised. I vaguely remember most of my rolls there I think.
There were two of us who made the trek: I was the short stocky brown belt with a red beard about 185, and I had one of my blue belts with me, a 6’5 gangly dude around 210.
Little wolverine looking dude is a beast. He’s so sharp in his leg transitions. I haven’t gotten to see him in a while unfortunately. He and I were talking about opening a gym together last year but he decided he wanted to open one somewhere outside the country and I was out.