Gordon Ryan Just Accused a Certain Jiu-Jitsu ‘Family’ of Using Steroids for over Five Decades

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Gordon Ryan is using “mental gymnastics” to justify the use of steroids in jiu-jitsu competition.

That’s according to the fed-up fans flaming the no-gi “King” in the comment section of his recent social media post on performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs). Unfortunately, dissenting opinions are akin to “liberal” chitter chatter and Ryan only deals in FACTS.

“Talking to these people is like talking to liberals,” Ryan wrote. “You present facts, and they’re just like ‘no,’ lol. I say we are on earth. They say we are on mars. We just aren’t. They say steroids are illegal in jj … they’re just not. Like, they’re just … not lmao. two plus two just isn’t five. It’s just not. You can say you don’t like them. You can say they’re not right. You can say they should be illegal, but the FACT is that they’re just simply … not. Also, you’re gonna tell me the family hasn’t used steroids in jj and mma for like the last five-plus decades? Places they were legal? Hahaha.”

And don’t forget the places where they were illegal.

While he didn’t outright name them, the Gracies are the biggest and most well-known family in jiu jitsu and one of the driving forces behind the creation of mixed martial arts (MMA) competition in the early nineties.

Fans did not take kindly to the implication.

No integrity to sportsmanship is a weird banner to wave.

If you’re competing in America and taking steroids without an actual medical prescription. Then yes, they’re illegal in the sport. Regardless of if an organization tests. They’re illegal.

Give up your titles bro. You competed dishonestly. You had a strength advantage and edge from unnatural testosterone levels.

The mainstreaming of steroid usage is sending kids to early graves and into medical conditions, stop advocating it overall, not just in jitsu, everywhere.

It’s ok that you need PEDs to be good at the sport man.

I’m not sure what brilliant point Gordon thinks he is making here. People can’t comment on it being legal and having a issue with that because they’re just … not? Wow. Guess people better shut up and stop complaining then.

Rival rat grappler Mikey Musumeci wants to help UFC clean up the sport.

Ryan is fresh off his dominant performance at Abu Dhabi Combat Club (ADCC) back in August, which ran head-to-head with Craig Jones Invitational (CJI) in Las Vegas. When and where “King” makes his return to the mats is likely to depend on his health.


I have no idea why kron would pick this fight. If he wants to be relevant maybe try hard work and get your game past 1997 era?

Im not trying to cheap shot the gracies, I started at the gracie academy and Ive trained at krons school before but 1) many of the gracies were on roids. Royce was popped for them by the AC. Rickson has admitted it in the past. Im positive there are more.
2) 90% easily of the grapplers competing on the pro and ibjjf circuit are on roids. Asking Gordon to give back titles that he won beating other juice heads is asinine. Im guessing that number is over 95%…

Steroids in grappling are not going anywhere. The IBJJF basically lets you do it as long as you dont show up for your podium picture. ADCC has shown no interest in outlawing them. The nogi comps are the ones paying money so they will attract the best grapplers and they will have to juice to compete - and they will. At this point, it almost doesnt matter what the IBJJF does. No one cares about their shitty medals these days. Talent is following the money


The advantage of steroids is of greater magnitude than that which a trans woman has over biological women in sport.

Gordon Ryan is a tranny.

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I’m surprised this douche still has any fans


He’s right.


tell us why he is wrong here


I didn’t say anything about him being wrong he’s just an autistic douche that I can’t stand.

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Of course all these guys are on juice it’s not hard to tell.

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Who gives a shit who’s on it and who’s not!

Steroids are a two side crutch:

You can blame the other guy for being on them anytime you loss.

You can justify taking them because “everyone else is”.

I honestly don’t care. Never have. My issue is the denial and also the blaming of others.

Both Gordon Ryan and that little autist fag Musumesci need to shut the fuck up.

How anybody can stand either of these dipshits is beyond me.


From my very limited insight and the questions I’ve asked of people who would know, you’re either on peds and competing at least somewhat successfully or you’re not and doing things as a hobby.

It’s not an advantage if everyone is on them.


Some people prefer being lied to. Incredibly bizarre.

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I’d be surprised if not the majority of professional athletes in almost every sport is on some kind of steroids - at least for the optimal recovery to be able to train the ridiculous amount of time you have to dedicate in the gym to be a competitive professional in a world of juicers.


People are so fucking naive! A dude on this forum asked if anyone would let a rich millionaire violate their butthole for $20 mil. Most of you fagoons said yes.

Now what would you do for $30mil, $50mil, $100mil? Now imagine there are very debatable side effects if done properly, you’ll feel amazing and you’ll reach your full potential.

You’re goddamned right every pro athlete is taking them!


fuck man even the number of hobbyists on them is crazy. I mean, it isnt pervasive or anywhere like the pro competitors but so many competing hobbyists do it


No one gives a shit to watch gi BJJ, and nogi is just now becoming somewhat of a spectator sport for BJJ hobbyists.

Removing PEDs will quickly make it even more fucking boring, so even less people watch.

PEDs are good for the sport. Mikey’s midget ass pulls out of half his scheduled matches. He should get on gear so he can stop pulling out every other match. He’s already made himself largely irrelevant by that and ducking CJI/ADCC.


very well said
fuck man I trained almost 3 decades gi only. Now I hate it. I used to never miss a mundials or pans - most of the time I flew down for them. Now I cant stand to watch it at all in the gi. Stall stall stall oh theres 30 seconds left? Im going to half try to get a sweep and win by advantage.


It wouldn’t surprise me if he was on gear. He eats nothing but pasta and pizza, is elite in a sport with no testing and looks like this:

What would surpise me is if he wasn’t on gear.


Apparently, he’s got legions of haters. Hey, whatever brings eyes to the sport right?!?! They’re also making him a millionaire by buying his instructionals.