The guy doesn’t pass the eye test, but then what do I know.
Even everyone’s favorite Craig Jones is on the gear and is very open about it. Even posting his supposed stack on the internet.
Musameci is obviously on stuff at this point.
The problem is there are other peds than steroids. He keeps talking about steroids. Not the sarms and peptides he’s on.
You or anybody else would have to be a buffoon of the highest order to think he’s natty.
He’s a faggot
Sub grappling competitors have just gotten insufferable all together. When you get to play tough guy for so long without getting punched in the face, it’s no surprise why these guys are the way they are
getting punched in the face makes someone tough?
lol pro level competitors are tougher than anyone you know
Yeah all those “fights” they do
anyone who is the best at something or competes at the highest level will have some degree of toughness
Wasn’t he scrawny a couple years back?
“steroids” when taken correctly under a legitimate doctor’s supervision can make any active person more healthy and less likely to suffer from a debilitating injury. People that poo poo others (even hobbyists) for using them are just uniformed.
If you don’t want to do them, don’t. If you want to do them then go ahead. Sure they can be abused and guys like Ryan are likely shortening their lives from the way they are using them. So what?
There’s a reason why people lie about it. They just don’t want to hear all whiny haters’ complaints.
Gordan Ryan seems like a complete dickhead but he does one thing going going for him and that’s his honestly about his use of PEDs.
More athletes should follow his lead.
Everybody still forgets about the time Musemeci tried you
He’s honest about his PED usage, b/c it’s not banned in his sport!
I don’t want to read the article … or any of the posts.
Is it the Shamrocks? I bet it’s the Shamrocks.
This! The recovery allows for insane training load that the “average” person’s body just can’t manage without breaking down
Remember when guys supporting certain star athletes would proclaim they are the first person in the gym and the last person to leave. They outwork everyone and train twice as hard and as long as anyone else on the team. They train 7 days a week and never take breaks. And that’s the reason why they’re so damn good.
As if that cleared them from taking PEDs, lol. Tell me you’re saying he’s taking PEDs without saying he’s taking PEDs!

Who gives a shit who’s on it and who’s not!
Steroids are a two side crutch:
You can blame the other guy for being on them anytime you loss.
You can justify taking them because “everyone else is”.
I honestly don’t care. Never have. My issue is the denial and also the blaming of others.
Both Gordon Ryan and that little autist fag Musumesci need to shut the fuck up.
How anybody can stand either of these dipshits is beyond me
Like this compulsive liar douche. I didn’t realize what a scumbag he was until I heard this interview. It’s one thing to lie, but to go all out on the lie attacking people who do exactly what you are doing, is career politician level scumbaggery
My belief
Since purple belt
You can count on one hand the steroid free competitors that Gordon Ryan faced
you mean non steroid?
It was early
lol Thank You