Craig Jones when he first fought him?!?!?
I like Gordon and would love to see him fight Nicky Rod
Ret them juico!!
gonna be real interesting to see what he does with the CJI quintet this year. With no ADCC, almost everyone is going to flock to the CJI for that cash. Gordon almost doesnt need it and is loyal to ADCC. My guess is theyre paying him either way. But on the other hand, if New Wave doesnt put forward its best squad and loses, thats a disaster too.
Frickin AOJ is a juggernaut. Dont sleep on them.
I hope Gordon swallows some pride and goes to CJI. If he is healthy I think he can beat Nicky Rod
The muscular is asymmetrical. Sure, you’re probably not going to be a world-class bodybuilder or fitness model with that, but it’s not that uncommon.
I’ll take your word for it. I’ve never seen anything like that. Looks like his bowels are clogged
Hasn’t he already beaten him three times?
But Nicky is super juicy now
Just when I I thought no gi couldn’t get any gayer, here we are.
Jiu jitsu is cool and I really love it, but we have to be honest about the problems with the sport as well. Among those problems is rampant PED use, including among very low level hobbyists and up. I would almost guarantee steroid abuse among kids is at an all time high and that’s certainly not limited to grappling sports. It’s out of control among football players, gym bros and all kinds of other sports and recreational activities.
not accusing him of ped but reminds me of that one brazil kid that won the last kids adcc event, dude looks jacked,Flo interviewed him, look like a buff adult midget. of course he might have good genetics
He’s not wrong but pot calling kettle…
Nonsense. They just TREN hard and ANAVAR gave up.
Get on Reddit steroid forums, PEDS, peptides, testosterone and TRT and type in BJJ or mma. Tonnnns of mofos and that’s just on those garbage ass forums. Get on legit ones and there’s even more.