Gordon Ryan Just Accused a Certain Jiu-Jitsu ‘Family’ of Using Steroids for over Five Decades

he openly admits it


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I’m incredibly surprised that the very spicy and public feud between Evandro Nunes and Rener and Ryon Gracie are having has no threads on it. Some pretty wild accusations in this one.

do tell

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Where can we find the juicy info on this?

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Didnt know that. But glass houses and stone throwing or something.

he is neither in a glass house nor is he throwing anything. All he is saying is everyone in grappling except for a very, very small handful is on gear, including himself. Thats it.

He is correct and there isnt much more to it, other than peoples’ emotions of course

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I don’t think it’s getting any legs because everyone already knows what scumbags Ryron and Rener are.

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honestly, Im listening to the zoom chat now and have only 30 mins in. I was at gracie torrance visiting frequently for many years in the late 90s and early 00s. People I really trust and respect talked negatively about rener and ryron and Ive never had a high opinion of either of them.

That being said, Nunes seems completely unreasonable here. His wife seems like a retarded dingbat. Rener had perfectly rational answers backed by text messages. All Nunes did was cut Rener off and was completely annoying. His case against Rener was weak AF. Seems like a disgruntled employee and thats it.

Why dont you marry him.

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I don’t know all the inside info and don’t care that much tbh. But Evandro seems a little bit like he lost his mind from what I’ve seen from him recently.

Steroid Cold Logic doesn’t work, especially for a purely performance sport like athletics. A skill-based sport like pyjama wrestling has more grey area, but it’s a slippery slope.

For those saying it levels the playing field, steroids COST MONEY and you can get improved results by taking a veritable assload. Which leads to actual health issues.

Is everyone competing in the sport going to have to roid up just to compete beyond local level? Are they going to give away complementary androteston at ADCC?

“Welcome to ADCC sir, the shuttle will take you to your hotel. Now bend over and drop your pants slightly…”

yep exactly. Toward the middle and end of the video he just basically yells at rener and cuts him off every time he talks. I started thinking this call was going to go bad for rener, given what I know of him and how negatively some people I trust felt about him. But after listening to the whole thing, rener had reasonable explanations and Nunes just seemed scatterbrained and incoherent

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I have to be honest. I think a lot of the hate Rener receives seems like player hating. I hear people say he’s a scumbag but I never really hear how they come to that conclusion. Like what examples do people have of unethical behavior? I’m not dismissing them but I honestly never hear clear examples.

I always assumed the hate came from his Gracie online academy. But

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